woman cleaning up construction dust in new room of property, dustpan and brush

Unveiling your renovation's true potential

The end of a construction project, whether it's an interior renovation or an extension, is always exciting – But your property is probably due a clean before you can settle in.

AI Cleaning Services' after-builder cleaning in London is designed to remove traces of the construction process, ensuring a sparkling clean and healthy environment for you to move into.



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Our after-builders cleaning in London includes:

 Construction debris removal

Our first port of call will be clearing away all leftover building materials, including saw dust, nails, scraps of plasterboard and other debris left behind by the construction crew.

 Meticulous dust removal

Construction dust can be both pervasive and irritating to the skin and eyes. Our cleaners in East London will meticulously remove dust from every surface, including floors, walls, ceilings, light fixtures and inside drawers.

 Floor cleaning

AI Cleaning Services will work to remove construction residue, paint splatters and grout haze, leaving carpets and hard floors alike looking spotless.

 Window cleaning

Construction dust and grime tends to settle on or around windows, especially if the project took several days to complete. We will address these problem areas so natural light can floor into your new or revitalised space.